Google Page Ranking & Search Terms

Google rankings matter, in a recent survey only 10% of search traffic goes beyond page one. There can be many search terms or phrases your site COULD be one page one for, but your site is nowhere to be seen or hidden on a lower page.

Smart has all the tools needed to speak to Google, telling it the exact information it needs to rank your site. We also build powerful backlinks which are basically referrals from other similar sites.

Like a good plumber, this tells Google you are the best at what you do and puts your business on page one where you deserve to be. 

Amvale Website traffic increase over 6 months

200% Web Traffic Increase

Our work typically results in a fourfold increase of both revenue & footfall. Once our work is complete that's it done, your site will remain at the top, where it belongs. 

By pulling together all online aspects of your business, targeting specific, high-traffic keywords we can dramatically increase your online search presence.

Putting you on course to becoming the market leader in your area.

High Traffic Search Terms

We analyse terms or phrases your customers will likely use, showing you the amount of searches they get each month. 

We can target these keywords with specific pages, assisted by AI, which provides everything Google needs to push you higher up the rankings. 

With Google, you need to be on page one - very little traffic goes further than page one for search results, they just go for your competitors.

Amvale were nowhere to be seen on Google just one year ago, today they are everywhere & getting over 800 individual users per month

Esteemed digital marketing solutions

So what are you waiting for? Click the free website audit test button and start the journey to increased traffic, footfall and revenue today...

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